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help:frequently asked questions

1. How to compete?
2. What do I need to compete?
3. I'm not in the toplist. What did I do wrong?
4. Can I use one account for more than one computer?
5. I forgot my password. What shall I do now?
6. How do I personalize my profile?
7. What data is send when updating using the clients?
8. What about privacy? Why do I have to specify an email-address when registering?
9. How do I use an Uptime-Image in my forum-signature?
10. Why isn't my uptime shown on my Uptime-Image? How frequently do the images get updated?


1. How to compete?

You just have to create an account (see Register) and download a client for your operating system (see Download). After filling in your token you are able to update your uptime to our database.

2. What do I need to compete?

You just need a computer, an internet-connection (there is no need for a permanent connection) and the Uptime-Client for your operating system. Furthermore you have to create an account (see Register).

3. I'm not in the toplist. What did I do wrong?

You are only listed if you update your uptime at least every few days.

4. Can I use one account for more than one computer?

Yes, just generate token and run client, the system will take care of everything else

5. I forgot my password. What shall I do now?

You can request your password (see Login) and it will be sent to the email-address used to registering.

6. How do I personalize my profile?

You are able to edit your profile after logging in into your account (see Login).

7. What data is send when updating using the clients?

Only your token, current uptime, name of used operating system is send to our servers. If you want you can enable additional information submit (cpu model, ram size, etc..). Later it can be used to generate images with such information.

8. What about privacy? Why do I have to specify an email-address when registering?

The data used for registering will not be publicized or passed to somebody. The E-Mail-address is only used to activate your account, resend your password if you forget it and to receive a newsletter (you can disable receiving the newsletter in your profile).

9. How do I use an Uptime-Image in my forum-signature?

Most boards/forums don't allow HTML-Code in the signature, so you have to use BB-Code instead. You can view the BB-Code for your Uptime-Image in your profile.

NOTE: There are forums that don't allow the PNG-format used for the image in the standard settings. But this setting can mostly be changed by the forum-administration.

10. Why isn't my uptime shown on my Uptime-Image? How frequently do the images get updated?

The Uptime-Images get updated every 30 minutes. So if your Uptime-Image does not show your uptime or does show the wrong uptime please update your uptime using the client and wait 30 minutes for the image to update.


If you still have questions don't hesitate to contact our support using the E-Mail or our support-chat.

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