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last 10 minutes
users online: 266
updates: 0
users: 3
[3y 2m 5d 57m 51s]
dbsize: 2,146,304
total-records:: 42,109
updates: 42,063
pageviews: 2017


start: welcome

Uptime Project BETA Welcome to Uptime Project beta testing!

What's the Uptime-Project about?
The Uptime-Project is a Fun-Project. Using our service you can collect all your uptime-data (your computer's uptime) and compete against other users.

toplist hosts: current uptime
1. uk   2y 4m 16d 4h 22m 44s
2. pve   1m 26d 7h 41m 55s
3. bal   1m 20d 16h 40m 6s
4. triton   21d 15h 34m 21s
5. pve2   21d 15h 33m 1s

toplist hosts: uptime record
1. uk   2y 4m 16d 4h 22m 44s
2. pve   1m 26d 7h 41m 55s
3. bal   1m 20d 16h 40m 6s
4. legion7   1m 10d 16h 39m 55s
5. uranus   1m 3d 19h 10m 9s

toplist users: current uptime
1. e1z0   2y 9m 21d 17h 11m 4s
2. peter   1h 13m 46s

toplist users: uptime record
1. e1z0   3y 14d 3h 21m 22s
2. peter   1m 10d 16h 39m 55s

project: new host
1. legion7   1h 13m 46s
2. uranus   18h 47m 10s
3. thalia   18h 53m 33s
4. PVE3-NODE2   18h 54m 58s
5. PVE3-NODE1   18h 55m 3s

project: new user
1. bevasta   2025-03-11 22:27:10
2. peter   2025-03-03 10:25:18
3. e1z0   2025-02-22 01:53:18

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